The positive crankcase ventilation system is employed to prevent air pollution caused by blow-by gases being emitted from the crankcase. This system supplies fresh filtered air to the crankcase through the air intake hose. Inside the crankcase, the fresh air mixes with blow-by gases, which then pass through the PCV valve into the induction system.
Kia Cee'd JD Owners Manual: Fuses
■ Blade type
■ Cartridge type
■ Multi fuse type
■ Battery fuse terminal (BFT)
A vehicle’s electrical system is protected
from electrical overload damage by
This vehicle has 3 (or 4) fuse panels, one
located in the driver’s side panel bolster,
others in the eng ...
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: TJ Joint Components and components location
1. BJ assembly
2. BJ circlip
3. BJ boot band
4. BJ boot
5. Shaft
6. TJ boot band
7. TJ boot
8. Spider assembly
9. Retainer ring
10. TJ housing
11. Housing circlip