Depending on the severity of the weather, you should carry appropriate emergency equipment. Some of the items you may want to carry include tire chains, tow straps or chains, flashlight, emergency flares, sand, shovel, jumper cables, window scraper, gloves, ground cloth, coveralls, blanket, etc.
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Starter Components and components location
1. Screw
2. Front housing
3. Stop ring
4. Stopper
5. Overunn clutch
6. Lever
7. Lever plate
8. Lever packing
9. Magnet switch assembly
10. Armature
11. Yoke assembly
12. Brush (-)
13. Bru ...
Kia Cee'd JD Owners Manual: OFF
With manual transaxle
To turn off the engine (START/RUN position)
or vehicle power (ON position), stop
the vehicle then press the engine
start/stop button.
With automatic transaxle/DCT*
To turn off the engine (START/RUN position)
or vehicle power (ON position),
press the engine start/ ...