This warning light indicates a malfunction of either the generator or electrical charging system.
If the warning light comes on while the vehicle is in motion:
1. Drive to the nearest safe location.
2. With the engine off, check the generator drive belt for looseness or breakage.
3. If the belt is adjusted properly, a problem exists somewhere in the electrical charging system. We recommend that the system be checked by an authorized Kia dealer.
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Troubleshooting
Problem Symptoms Table
Use the table below to help you find the cause of the problem. The numbers indicate
the priority of the like cause of the problem. Check each part in order.
If necessary, replace these parts.
Symptom ...
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Photo Sensor Description and operation
The photo sensor is located at the center of the defrost nozzles.
The photo sensor contains a photovoltaic (sensitive to sunlight) diode. The
solar radiation received by its light receiving portion, generates an electromotive
force in proportion to the amount ...