■ Based on 10m screen
1. Turn the low beam on without driver aboard.
2. The cut-off line should be projected in the cut-off line shown in the picture.
3. When aiming the low beam, vertical aiming should be adjusted after adjusting the horizontal aiming.
4. If head lamp leveling device is equipped, adjust the head lamp leveling device switch with 0 positions.
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Special service tools
Special Service Tools
Tool Name / Number
Engine support fixture (bar)
Used for holding engine assembly when removing / installing transaxle
Used ...
Kia Cee'd JD Owners Manual: Low tire pressure telltale, Low tire pressure position
Low tire pressure telltale:
Low tire pressure position
When the tire pressure monitoring
system warning indicators are illuminated,
one or more of your tires is
significantly under-inflated. The low
tire pressure position telltale light will
indicate which tire is signif ...