Pressing the key will change the operating mode in order of FM1 ➟ FM2 ➟ FMA ➟ AM ➟ AMA.
If [Pop-up Mode] / [Mode Pop-up] is turned on within [Display], then pressing the key will display the Radio Pop-up Mode screen.
Turn the TUNE knob to move the focus. Press the knob to select
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Repair procedures
Service Point Target Auto
Calibration (SPTAC)
This procedure provides a way to calibrate the camera by having the service
technician align the car to a well lit simulated straight road target; preferably
wall mounted.
The LDWS camera will have a "System Out of Cal ...
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Multimedia Jack Description and operation
The multimedia jack on the console upper cover is for customers who like to
listen to external portable music players like the MP3, iPod and etc., through
the vehicle's sound system when it is linked to this jack. The customer has
this added option.
In c ...