To keep the water in the window washer system from freezing, add an approved window washer anti-freeze solution in accordance with instructions on the container. Window washer anti-freeze is available from an authorized Kia dealer and most auto parts outlets. Do not use engine coolant or other types of antifreeze as these may damage the paint finish.
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Brake Line Repair procedures
Disconnect the brake fiuid level switch connector, and remove the reservoir
Remove the brake fluid from the master cylinder reservior with a syringe.
Kia Cee'd JD Service Manual: Cylinder Block Components and components location
1. Cylinder block
2. Ladder frame
3. Crank shaft
4. Crank shaft upper bearing
5. Crank shaft lower bearing
6. Thrust bearing
7. Main bearing cap
8. Crank shaft sproket ...