1. Loosen the straps by using the strap adjusters and remove the strap hooks from the hook holders.
2. Remove the net upper shaft by pulling it through the large holes.
3. Remove the barrier net.
Kia Cee'd JD Owners Manual: Air cleaner
Filter replacement
It must be replaced when necessary, and
should not be washed.
You can clean the filter when inspecting
the air cleaner element.
Clean the filter by using compressed air.
1. Loosen the air cleaner cover attaching
clips and open the cover.
2. Wipe the inside of the ...
Kia Cee'd JD Owners Manual: Jump starting
Jump starting can be dangerous if done
incorrectly. Therefore, to avoid harm to
yourself or damage to your vehicle or
battery, follow the jump starting procedures.
If in doubt, we strongly recommend
that you have a competent technician
or towing service jump start your